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Disaster hits home for Diane's family
  • Diane's parents lost their home when the "Old" fire came down out of the mountains.
  • After they lost electricity and the sky turned black with smoke they decided on their own to evacuate.

The Best of the Hubble Telescope
  • I don't suggest viewing if you are using Dial-up, it's much faster with either Cable or DSL. But as the philosophy here at BC is to each their own, then do as you will...
    (Source =
How to use Baconcake

  • I removed the Guest Book, 'cause it didn't work... I'll keep looking...
  • Just simply browse around and look for pictures that interest you.
  • Most of the pictures have been reduced to 800x600 for faster loading.
  • Don't forget to let me know if there are errors...

What's it all about
The reason I started this site is to share pictures that would otherwise have spent the next 20 years in my closet.

I still have quite a few boxes to go through. As I find new ways to display the photos I will experiment and you will be the victims. If you find any errors be sure to write and let me know.

Terms and Conditions

The site is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. I am not responsible for adding or editing any content (e.g. pictures, photos, and text) or making any changes that don't particularly coincide with the current phase of the moon.
Click here for details

If you can't make work with your browser, then all I can say is "bummer..."

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